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Dear reader! We’re together again, and this time I want to address a very General question, which is necessarily concerned not only students, but primarily students of the first course. It sounds something like this: “What distinguishes the school from study in the University?” On the subject of philosophical debate for hours, but still there are those aspects that are worth to pay attention and to discuss in more detail.
Compare school and high school may student of the second and later courses, but students and freshmen this is the truth, alas, is unavailable, since, in fact, to compare there is nothing. That is why I want to share my vast experience on a given topic and recall the first course of their University life.
A little excursion into memories
When I entered the first course, I thought that in a fairy tale, and no more dare to dream. What: homework set, but not checked; the test notes ignore � trust; even independent work on a pair of carefully studying not all freshmen.
Here, I think, not teachers, and happiness; not a study, but Paradise! Are all polite and kind, even nothing to complain about! Moreover, for truancy, the teacher is also not criticize and do not require to be after school for clarification!
I lived in a state of euphoria the first semester, and on the eve of the test week (which begins on the eve of the session) suddenly realized that it is not so easy and rosy as I originally thought. It turns out, untested on a pair of independent work it is necessary to pass individually and in his spare time; and the lectures to exam upcoming to prepare.
Homework is also needed to carry the teacher to check, and not live on the principle of the school: “were Not asked � so lucky”. Here it was that I’m not ready for the week, and there to contributions from the University’s doorstep.
The second change that I was very upset, so this was the attitude of the teachers. So polite and lovely throughout the semester, they suddenly turned into a grumpy and ever-busy people who just hate all students and are trying to fill up his tricky questions.
To arrange a meeting exist beyond reality, and to three to take the tails, it is necessary to be a genius to answer everything perfectly.
Since the first session of fall to winter, on the eve of the Christmas holidays to catch the teacher at the University was a great luck, but answers like “Gone”, “come”, “Sick” or “gone Away” � at the Department it became a tradition.
So I understand that my tale is over, and school and University � it is heaven and earth! I had to get involved, because we know that training on a budget � this is a rare case in our modern society!
Peculiarities of school life
For 11 years in school, we learn not only to teachers, desks and walls, but monotonous manner of acquiring knowledge. For example, the two without problems retake after school unprepared homework may not “float” in the classroom, and walked round test, there is no need to rewrite.
A medical certificate from a pediatrician about the absence of student due to illness in General has become for a student a great success and great benefit for the next couple of weeks. As a minimum, the physical education classes to attend is not necessary; and, as a maximum, there is no need to take missed examinations and homework.
Teachers attitude towards their wards gently as they grew up and matured in the walls of the school, was soaked with sympathy, and became practically members of the family. That is why homeroom teacher calls home asking for parents to influence their child all valid methods, but in between negotiating with another teacher about a possible retake.
This relaxed state very soon tighten the pupil, and, as you know: “the Donkey stood in the shadows, the sun will not work”! So here, as to the class of 11 a large part of the once-diligent students are considered lazy and their future � all mystery.
And it is important not to forget that in every school there is a non-principal rule: “At any cost, to release all”. This is the right approach, since no one Director does not want to keep the walls of the school losers � age, which will reduce the performance and spoil the reputation of the educational institution itself.
So with strained C float freely sent all the disciples; but they, inspired prom, and last call, still don’t know what awaits them in the future.
Accordingly, we can conclude that the school is an eternal, kind and welcoming, and compare it with the University, certainly not worth it. So the approach to learning is completely different � much stricter! And about the intricacies of higher education also need to know each applicant.
In the first year of University, in a new environment
Pampered by parents and teachers at the school the student comes in the first year, considering that the main purpose of his life has already been accomplished. There are a lot of new faces, new ambitions, a pleasant and sometimes unexpected experience, first love, and a new environment, and thoughts about school very soon fade intoa second plan.
It is especially difficult for nonresident freshmen who settled in student dormitories. This is just the “cesspool of corruption”, which will always be on your way to successful study and successful session. But now not about it!
The curator is about the same as that of the class teacher in the school; however unlike the first it nobody will charge for the academic performance of a student. So you can not wait for him to call home, and it will be heard only when the documents for expulsion will be taken to the signature of the rector (and even then not always � if very lucky).
If the school teacher is trying to pull every unlucky student, defending his honor as a qualified teacher, then the University has a slightly different approach. First, poor performance is a problem of the student; and the second salary of a teacher does not affect the number of underperforming students. So in this school there is one principle � “every man for himself”!
One last thing: run for a teacher in high school will have student, but not Vice versa; but the “teacher” can also “escape”, each time looking for good arguments to their increased employment. So definitely have patience � for five years! As you know, all students feel humiliated and insulted!
How to quickly adapt in high school?
If you happen to be enrolled in the first year of University, it is important to understand that from now on, began not Lafayette, and hard work; which will bear fruit only after five years.
All these years were not pointless, already in the first year, and best of 1 September, to give yourself installation and setting priorities: why have you come here to learn, and what you plan to achieve in the future?
For a safe and rapid adaptation in the University, there are simple rules, which are detailed below:
1. In dealing with new teachers to show their modesty, self-restraint, but most importantly interest in learning. These competent people will appreciate your knowledge more than one year, so it is best just to set them invisible contact.
2. Do not skip a pair, especially lectures. As a rule, these collective lessons the lecturer tries to remember if not by name, but in the eyes of the majority of students; and in such moments it is best to be in “visible range”.
Many teachers perceive absenteeism to lectures, as disrespectful to your address; therefore it is not worth the risk, otherwise the consequences of such misunderstanding may be the most unexpected.
3. When answering the question it is advisable to give his name because the teachers always remember the most active students, and some of them even reward you with a favor. Such “communication” at the University, certainly will not be superfluous.
5. Always do homework, making it clear to the instructor their interest in a particular subject. If something is unclear, you can always make a puzzled face and to seek help from a qualified teacher on a particular subject.
6. And last: school performance and behavior, as well as in school, should not “limp”, and lagging student will never be able to cause the teacher positive emotions and a feeling of deep sympathy.
So if higher education will not be easy for anyone, the main thing � not to let go ahead of time and choose a responsible approach to future studies to five years to become a qualified specialist in a particular area. And then everything will work out!
Conclusion: I am sure that this article has helped many students to at least imagine what awaits them in the University after the admission to the first year. I hope I left recommendations significantly facilitate the process of adaptation to a new school with completely different requirements and demands.
Now you know about the difference between studying at school studying at the Uni